You are made up of so many different experiences and stories; some louder and more vibrant than others, all pieces of how you move through the world. Come experiment with giving the fullness of your own life the attention it deserves and explore how playing with that balance between where you’ve been and where you’re going changes how you meet where you actually are.

Hi, I’m Patrick

Balance Lab exists because there are people looking for safe and playful ways to effect change within themselves. Different past experiences may have taught lessons that are difficult to unlearn and I want my life to be part of a conversation that untangles not only the conditioned thinking that obscures our consciousness but also the unconscious conditioning that burdens our physical being.

I’m certified to teach both the Alexander Technique and Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction. I’m using both of these modalities to let go of what is no longer useful and I hope you’ll join me.

What’s the best way for you to begin?